Angel Cake

Grateful now for what I have got

Have no energy left to grieve of what is lost

She lays so peacefully in my bed

And comforts me instinctively when I’m filled with dread


‘ We can run away together

Live with fairies and fly on a feather

Dance with pixies and laugh at trolls

Spin high up on hills do cartwheels and rolls

Make ice creams and cakes everyday

Creating Angel magic as we play’


Her hands so small but her heart so big, My Sunshine my Rainbow my child

I want her here to stay

But never seem to get my way 😦

One response to this post.

  1. Baby girl!!! I find you here and I’m so happy to share this space and take in your medicine. Your poetry makes me FEEL better. I love you. Thank you for being wonderfully YOU!


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