
Why is my poetry not more erotic rather than full of danger

Probed and poked by the eyes of a stranger

I wish to write of fairies pixies and dragons

Not ghosts of the past and gripes about humans

If I posted all on my notes on here

I may scare my friends that much is clear

For who wants to read of a tormented head

Years and years wasted curled up in my bed


I had a teacher who told me in rhyme

Of the terrible torment which peaked over time

One day will be better not just a clown face

A time I can spread my wings and fully embrace

The world which is mine, I make it when I’m happy

Make plans to escape my cave not cosy now just scratchy

I’ve written on walls the plans of my death

Even tatooed my arm to remind me of breath


So called chemical imbalance

So called Manic depression

I would rather give a list of names

You can send them all to the same prison


See I can say it all here because anyone who looks

And doesn’t like my frame of mind can delete me from your books

My head Dr is going to read this one, and although I like him a lot

Really do not like his job, his trouble making brain dying plot


Injection you say? More chemicals for me, well I have freedom of speech

I do not care if its stuck up my nose, in my ears or up my ass

I’d rather stay out of Medical Sciences research !




In Freud’s classic theory, erotic energy is allowed a limited amount of expression, due to constraints of human society.

Freud considered this defense mechanism the most productive compared to the others that he identified, such as repression, displacement, denial, reaction formation, intellectualisation and projection. Sublimation is the process of transforming libido into “socially useful” achievements, mainly art. Psychoanalysts often refer to sublimation as the only truly successful defense mechanism ~


Level 4 – Mature

These are commonly found among emotionally healthy adults and are considered mature, even though many have their origins in an immature stage of development. They have been adapted through the years in order to optimize success in life and relationships. The use of these defenses enhances pleasure and feelings of control. These defenses help us integrate conflicting emotions and thoughts, while still remaining effective. Those who use these mechanisms are usually considered virtuous.


So is my psychologist telling me this to make me feel better?


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